You know those times when your child says something to you that may be appropriate but is on the fence of being disrespectful? Kids are great manipulators and they like to see what they can get away with (even though it may be disrespectful). Here are three questions to ask your kids which will empower your kids without drawing a line in the sand!
1. TODDLER: Mommy, I want it now!!!"
PARENT: "I'm not sure why you are talking that way?"
2. GRADE SCHOOL CHILD: Mom, you don't know anything!!"
PARENT: "O.k...let's start this conversation over again. Let's turn this around!" Now stand up, turn around and sit back down again (and have your child do the same thing!)
3. CHILD: "My teacher is an idiot! She doesn't know anything!"
PARENT: "Hmmm...what would you do if YOU were a teacher and YOU were trying to teach your students and they wouldn't listen to you?"