Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Grass is Greenest on my Side

I went to church this morning with the girls.  As I was sitting in church behind a nice little family I started to feel sad, envious, and jealous.  I was wishing my life was like theirs and (yet I knew nothing about them!).  They look 'so happy and so perfect' I thought.  Tears started welling up in my eyes quickly.  But then I stopped myself.  I looked around again and thought about everyone's hearts-instead of their beautiful dresses.  I wonder what everyone is feeling or thinking? 
Holidays often bring up a lot of emotions.  Often people miss loved ones that have recently passed, they might wish they had children, or maybe even wish their lives were better.  What I try to remind myself is that I am right where I need to be.  God has a plan.  Even if my life isn't where I want it to be, there's a reason that I am sitting here, breathing here and enjoying this moment.  Today, I will remember that the grass is greenest right where I am sitting.  Anyway, the holiday isn't about me, is it? It's about Jesus dieing for us and it is about recreating our lives-a new beginning.  It's about living in a Christian way-the way that God wants us to live.  Today I thank God for my many blessings and I do my best to be present.

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