Sunday, March 27, 2011

Simple Sunday! A Date at Church?

Just like parenting, finding time for your marriage also requires using some creativity!

I was at church this morning with my husband and as crazy as it sounds, it felt like a date!  Thankfully, our church provides reliable childcare which gives us a chance to do something together uninterrupted (which is rare these days!)  In addition, we were able to focus on something we both believe in together, hold each other's hands, and share in fellowship.  Although our intention for going to church was to pray and give our attention to being better Christians, we were also enjoying our time as a couple.

Getting out of the house and getting to church on Sunday mornings is often not an easy task (and I only have one child!)  Let me tell you, getting everyone fed, dressed, and out the door by 8:30 (on a day we could all relax instead) takes a lot of effort!  However, on a day like today I was really glad we did it!

While at church, I sat in the pew, holding my husband's hand and was actually able to enjoy music and focus on what I was there for.  During the next hour, I did not feel like a mom but instead I felt like a wife and an individual (which was exactly what I needed after a long week as a stay at home mom!).  Half way through the service, I whispered to my husband "I feel like we're on a date" and he whispers back, “I feel like you make me want to be a better person." WOW!  What a special moment in our marriage! 

Churches often offer childcare but if you are not a religious person, I encourage you to find ways to make quality time for your relationship!  Even though it's easy to put the kids and work first, making the time for a slow dance in your living room, taking a walk, or having sex is so important! 

Do you struggle with finding time for each other?  How do you use creativity to find time for your marriage?
I want to hear your ideas!

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