Sunday, March 13, 2011

Simple Sunday! Encouraging a Team Approach with Your Spouse

Although setting boundaries and being direct with your needs is important in fostering teamwork, giving your spouse praise and positive feedback is also essential in maintaining a positive environment in your home.
Do you feel alone in the child rearing process?  If so, you're not alone! Many mothers feel like their partners do not do enough or take an active role in the parenting process. A recent study by Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan, co-author of the study and assistant professor of human development and family science at Ohio State University suggests that fathers who are given positive feedback by the mothers are likely to be an active participant in the child rearing process.
Many people overlook the power of positivity in a parental relationship, however, it's often the key to fostering a healthier and happier relationship.  I know what you are probably saying, "There are days when I really struggle to find one good thing he does because I am so frustrated and overwhelmed." or you may say "I don't even have the time to give my spouse compliments just to get him to do things that he should already be doing!?" Well, the truth is everyone need praise and positive reinforcement, also, it's not very motivating for them to want to help you if all they hear is complaining or asking them to do things. 

Every day, find at least 5 things that your spouse is doing well and make sure you let them know.  In addition, give them a touch on the shoulder, kiss, and/or make eye contact.  Even if it's the way he kisses your child goodnight or the way he plays with your child, find something through the day that he is good at and let him know you appreciate it.  Maybe he took the trash out or cleaned up some clutter....find some positives and start giving compliments.  You just might be surprised at the outcome! 

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